Membership of the UK Virtual Gliding Association is open to any Microsoft Simulator enthusiast, keen to be an active flying member and wishing to participate either online or offline.
Microsoft Simulator provides an effective platform for simulating virtual soaring and cross-country gliding. Some third party software may be needed to enhance your emersive experience of gliding, but to get started Microsoft Simulator and a Joystick is all you need to get going.
Therefore, we'd be glad if you would give this your very careful consideration before proceeding to the registration form, and also note the following:
Some third party software whilst optional, may be 'pay-ware' and therefore involve cost.
Your application is subject to approval, usually provided within 24 hours.
YOU MUST SUBMIT YOUR REAL FIRST AND LAST NAMES AND A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS to receive your acceptance eMail, following which you will be able to access the UKVGA web pages, resources and forums.
On first logging in, please visit and respond to your personal forum welcome thread, which you will be able find here. Should you not activate your membership in this way within ONE WEEK of approval, we will assume that you are not interested in participation, and will cancel your membership without further notice.
If you are still happy to apply, please complete the Registration form and then click 'Submit'.